Characterization of transfused neonates in a hospital institution in Medellin, Colombia. Cases series. Escriba un comentario / Por <p>Yulis Fernanda Lobo-Salas, Lina Maria Martínez-Sánchez, Lucelly López-López, Ana Paulina Pamplona-Sierra, Laura Isabel Jaramillo-Jaramillo, Juan Diego Villegas-Álzate, Mabel Dahiana Roldan-Tabares, Alejandro Hernandez-Martinez, Laura Herrera-Almanza, Juan Pablo Orozco-Forero</p> Characterization of transfused neonates in a hospital institution in Medellin, Colombia. Cases series. Leer más »
The relationship between maternal serum apelin-36 level and anthropometric indices up to 18 months after birth; A Cohort Study Escriba un comentario / Por <p>Shiva Pouraliroudbaneh, Najmeh Tehranian, Ashraf Saber, Matin Sadat-Esmaeilzadeh, Anoshirvan Kazemnejad</p> The relationship between maternal serum apelin-36 level and anthropometric indices up to 18 months after birth; A Cohort Study Leer más »