ISSN-01862 391


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Órgano Oficial del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría

Información exclusiva para profesionales de la salud

Periodicidad: bimestral
Editor: Felipe Aguilar Ituarte
Abreviatura: Acta Pediatr Méx
ISSN: 0186-2391
e-ISSN: 2395-8235

Low free triiodothyronine levels in mexican pediatric population with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.

Acta Pediatr Mex. 2016 sep;37(5):254-259.

Araujo-Martínez A1,2, García-Benítez L1, Hernández-Beltrán E2, Pérez-Juárez F2,3, Diliz-Nava H2,4, Tamariz-Cruz O2,4, Palacios-Macedo-Quenot A2,4

1Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Cardiovascular Surgery Division, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría.
2Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Centro Médico ABC.
3Echocardiography Laboratory Department, Cardiovascular Surgery Division, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría.
4Congenital Heart Surgery Department, Cardiovascular Surgery Division, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría.

Received: September 4, 2015
Accepted: April 25, 2016


This article must be quoted as
Araujo-Martínez A, García-Benítez L, Hernández-Beltrán E, Pérez-Juárez F, Diliz-Nava H, Tamariz-Cruz O. Low free triiodothyronine levels in mexican pediatric popula-tion with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery under-going cardiopulmonary bypass. Acta Pediatr Mex. 2016;37(5):254-259.


BACKGROUND: Low free triiodothyronine level in patients undergoing heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is well described in literature, but the prevalence in pediatric Mexican population is yet unknown.

OBJECTIVE: To know the prevalence of postoperative low free triiodothyronine level and the associated complications after cardiopulmonary bypass exposure in pediatric population in Mexico.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A sample of free triiodothyronine (FT3) blood was obtained in the early postoperative period of patients undergoing CPB heart surgery. Postoperative low FT3 level (PLFT3) was defined as any blood value under 2.9 pg/mL. Logistical regression models were used for analysis of independent variables, adjusted for complexity score (RACHS-1) and Aristotle Comprehensive Complexity Score.

RESULTS. PLFT3 was present in 35.7% of the patients (n=109). Correlation with PLFT3 the following variables were observed: prolonged CPB time (p=0.001) prolonged aortic cross clamp (p=0.002) level of complexity of the surgery as measured by Aristotle ≥3 (p=0.001) and RACHS-1 ≥3 (p=0.021). Associated complications were: postoperative arrhythmias (p=0.008) extended intubation period (p=0.008) and higher infection rate (p=0.002).

KEYWORDS: triiodothyronine; pediatric cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary-bypass

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